Fantasy Hockey

Robinson's Fantasy Rundown: Roadmapping the Fantasy Playoff Schedule

Alright, we’re back for the first post-All-Star edition of Robinson’s Fantasy Rundown. 

As usual (and sometimes to my editor's chagrin) this column has no formatting rules.

Maybe I talk about one player for 1,500 words. Maybe I talk about 1,500 players for one word – Okay, that might be a stretch. But you get the gist.

This week, we’re exploring fantasy playoff schedules.

There are several possibilities for how your league is run. We’ll take a look at the most common setups which are either one or two-week playoff matchups. And we’re going to assume that your league has moved out from the stone age and ends the season ahead of the final few days of the NHL regular season to avoid players sitting out to avoid injury.

Knowing and understanding the future schedule is the same as studying for the f

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Fantasy Hockey
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